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Test Valley Golf Club has announced the Boaz Project near Barton Stacey as its charity of 2022.
More than 125 lady golfers attended the first event, an annual charity coffee morning. It was an opportunity to play a few rounds of golf and to raise money for the club’s chosen charity of the year.

Founded in 2007, The Boaz Project supports people with learning disabilities to do meaningful work and be productive. The project has a large allotment garden, 120 free range egg-laying hens, three donkeys, two sheep and four lambs. Activities include cooking lessons, craft sessions and woodwork.

Judith Herriotts said: “As Lady Captain I get to decide which charity to support. I wanted to support a local, small-scale charity and one which would really benefit from some extra funding.

“After visiting Boaz at Hill Farm, I saw for myself the amazing work they do for their members and the great support they get from an army of volunteers. I was so impressed, that I persuaded the other club captains to support Boaz too.”
Test Valley Golf Club has a calendar of events lined up to benefit the project through fundraising, raising awareness and volunteering opportunities.

Boaz manager Stuart Palmer said: “It was very kind of the golf captains at Test Valley Golf Club to choose Boaz this year and they have certainly blown us all away with their enthusiasm and fundraising ideas. So much so that we hope to organize our own charity golf day back at their club next year.”

Stuart attended the April coffee morning with members Bernie, Jason and Caleb who were all great ambassadors. A Boaz stall selling delicious home-made jams, woodwork and craft items, pulled in £141 while a raffle and other stalls added to the sum raised.

Volunteers are vital to the success of The Boaz Project – and more are needed, especially in the holidays. For more information see our

June 20, 2022